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The 'period' taboo

It's the month of Ramadan and there's something that struck a chord with me the other day. Why are we so afraid of discussing/mentioning a woman's time of the month?

For example-during the month of Ramadan, women are exempt from fasting if they are on their period. This is because of two reasons-

One- a period is regarded as a state of impurity so muslim women can't pray their salah (5 times prayer) for the whole time they are on; and

Two- it is a mercy from Allah as we lose a huge amount of blood and not eating/drinking during this time may be harmful to the body.

Why then, do most muslim men not know this until AFTER they are married? So many men are actually oblivious to this fact and we have to hide like we're stealing food and eating it just in case someone might see! Heaven forbid we mention it in front of our brothers/fathers/male relatives.

Okay, I'm not saying make a song and dance about it but it's silly how most men don't even know this rule and when they catch a sister eating, they actually have the audacity to ask why! Beyond ridiculous in my eyes.

I think it's so important that muslim men take the time to read and learn about issues relating to women's fiqh in Islam (the law relating to women's issues) so we're not caught up in awkward situations. I've had sisters tell me that their dad's or brother's wake them up for sehri and their mother's let them because she's too embarrassed to say that the sister is on her period!

Why on earth are we going to wake up in the middle of the night for no reason?!

We will never move forward and seem like a religion for all (women especially) if we are so ignorant and afraid to discuss matters that are human nature.

Boys/Men..please take the time to educate yourselves on all aspects of the faith-not just the parts that relate to you and for those who do, hats off. Sisters/mothers I'm not saying you should have frequent conversations to your son's or brother's about this but if it's never mentioned, it will always remain a taboo.

Never forget that the our Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked all sorts of awkward questions and he discussed them with the sahabah openly and freely because it was regarded as important!

What are your thoughts on the matter?

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